Project Cornerstone is aimed to help individuals and communities build a web of support around young people so that they grow into healthy, caring and responsible adults. This year’s ABC reader program theme is inclusion and we will read a variety of books that teach inclusion, friendship and getting along with each other.
Traditionally the books have been read by parent volunteers, referred to as Asset Building Champions: “ABC volunteers.”
This year Project Cornerstone will be in the classroom!
How does it work?
- Parent volunteers sign up to read and conduct activities in classrooms. Very often parents get to be volunteers for their own child’s class.
- Volunteers access the resources for the book on the Project Cornerstone website for activities to conduct in the class. Parents can optionally attend training meetings for each book – one meeting a month.
- On a day and time that works for both the teacher and parent volunteer, the parent will read the book of the month to the students and conduct activities around the central theme of the book. This happens once a month. In case of multiple volunteers per room, they can take turns or collaborate with each other.
- The volunteer(s) send a letter to the teacher to be sent to the rest of the parents informing the remaining parents of the book read and the social emotional asset discussed that month with the children.
Please consider being a Project Cornerstone volunteer in your child’s classroom.
Requirements for the ABC volunteers:
- Love working with children
- Be comfortable leading age appropriate discussions and activities virtually in the classroom
- Time commitment of ~3 hours per month Sept – May
Apart from the above requirements, Project Cornerstone requires parents to complete the following 2 steps.
- Complete the YMCA application.
- Do the Assets 101 training online:
Assets 101 online training Module 1
Assets 101 online training Module 2
Assets 101 online training Module 3
When completed, email with the keywords from each module.
If you have any questions, please contact our Project Cornerstone Lead at:
Thank you for being a Project Cornerstone Volunteer!
Through Project Cornerstone, we can help all children feel valued and respected!