Teacher’s Appreciation Week 2016!


Early morning on the first day of Teacher’s Appreciation Week, teachers and support staff at Lincoln were all greeted with a yellow ribbon tied around a yellow flower, home-made treats, a Starbucks gift card, and the simple message:

To Our Beloved Lincoln Teachers

We Miss You
We Support You
We Thank You

From Parents Earnestly Advocating Community Enrichment

Coordinated by a collective effort from a group of parents not affiliated with the PTA advocating for changes to strengthen the Lincoln teacher-parent bond, this message is a small attempt to reach out to teachers to let them know that the Lincoln parent community has and always will support them.

As Teacher’s Appreciation Week comes to an end, PEACE would like to invite all parents to reach out to their teachers to give them support and tell them how much they are appreciated. Working together, we can rebuild the community at Lincoln.

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